
Flights from Russia to CAN – compare prices

Flights to Guangzhou

Below are listed popular flight routes from airports in Russia to Guangzhou in China. Only the cheapest flights found are shown. Use the form below to check the flight price for your dates.

Flights from Guangzhou

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Airports with connections to Guangzhou (CAN)

Moscow VnukovoSochiChelyabinskBelgorodMoscow DomodedovoIrkutskSt Petersburg PulkovoNovosibirskKaliningradKrasnodarSamaraKrasnoyarskKhabarovsk NovyKazanMoscow SheremetyevoEkaterinburgTyumenVladivostokZhukovsky InternationalPermYakutskUfaPlatov International, Rostov on DonBaikal International

Guangzhou from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO), Russia

Indirect flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 525 USDNov 5 2018Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Nov 19 2018Aeroflot
Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 442 USDApr 15 2019Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaMoscow Vnukovo (VKO) (round trip) May 5 2019Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 07:25.

Guangzhou from Sochi (AER), Russia

Indirect flights from Sochi (AER) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Sochi (AER) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Sochi (AER) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 477 USDJan 13 2019Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaSochi (AER) (round trip) Jan 19 2019Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Sochi (AER) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 06:45.

Guangzhou from Chelyabinsk (CEK), Russia

Indirect flights from Chelyabinsk (CEK) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Chelyabinsk (CEK) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Chelyabinsk (CEK) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 641 USDOct 10 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaChelyabinsk (CEK) (round trip) Oct 24 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Chelyabinsk (CEK) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 17:08.

Guangzhou from Belgorod (EGO), Russia

Indirect flights from Belgorod (EGO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Belgorod (EGO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Belgorod (EGO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 552 USDDec 27 2018Aeroflot
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaBelgorod (EGO) (round trip) Jan 18 2019Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Belgorod (EGO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 22:01.

Guangzhou from Moscow Domodedovo (DME), Russia

Indirect flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Domodedovo (DME) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 608 USDNov 13 2018EgyptAir
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaMoscow Domodedovo (DME) (round trip) Nov 21 2018EgyptAir

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Thursday 16th August 2018 at 17:35.

Guangzhou from Irkutsk (IKT), Russia

Indirect flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Irkutsk (IKT) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 470 USDOct 21 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaIrkutsk (IKT) (round trip) Oct 30 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 03:48.

Guangzhou from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED), Russia

Indirect flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 440 USDSep 3 2018China Southern
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaSt Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) (round trip) Sep 7 2018China Southern

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Saturday 11th August 2018 at 19:29.

Guangzhou from Novosibirsk (OVB), Russia

Indirect flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Novosibirsk (OVB) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 522 USDOct 11 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaNovosibirsk (OVB) (round trip) Nov 11 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 06:43.

Guangzhou from Kaliningrad (KGD), Russia

Indirect flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Kaliningrad (KGD) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 1940 USDSep 3 2018Japan Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaKaliningrad (KGD) (round trip) Sep 10 2018Japan Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 14:48.

Guangzhou from Krasnodar (KRR), Russia

Indirect flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Krasnodar (KRR) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 494 USDNov 7 2018Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaKrasnodar (KRR) (round trip) Nov 22 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Wednesday 15th August 2018 at 19:05.

Guangzhou from Samara (KUF), Russia

Indirect flights from Samara (KUF) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Samara (KUF) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Samara (KUF) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 612 USDDec 26 2018Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaSamara (KUF) (round trip) Jan 9 2019Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Samara (KUF) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 03:10.

Guangzhou from Krasnoyarsk (KJA), Russia

Indirect flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Krasnoyarsk (KJA) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 601 USDSep 18 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaKrasnoyarsk (KJA) (round trip) Oct 13 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 08:10.

Guangzhou from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV), Russia

Indirect flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 1780 USDOct 14 2018S7 Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaKhabarovsk Novy (KHV) (round trip) Oct 19 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Thursday 9th August 2018 at 23:51.

Guangzhou from Kazan (KZN), Russia

Indirect flights from Kazan (KZN) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Kazan (KZN) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Kazan (KZN) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 454 USDNov 8 2018Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaKazan (KZN) (round trip) Nov 29 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Kazan (KZN) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 16:36.

Guangzhou from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO), Russia

Direct flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Direct flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 381 USDNov 3 2018China Southern
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Nov 20 2018China Southern

Indirect flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 351 USDNov 4 2018China Southern
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Nov 11 2018China Southern

More flights: Russia to China. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 14:42.

Guangzhou from Ekaterinburg (SVX), Russia

Indirect flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Ekaterinburg (SVX) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 488 USDNov 1 2018Aeroflot
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaEkaterinburg (SVX) (round trip) Nov 15 2018Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Wednesday 15th August 2018 at 05:00.

Guangzhou from Tyumen (TJM), Russia

Indirect flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Tyumen (TJM) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 867 USDOct 15 2018Aeroflot
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaTyumen (TJM) (round trip) Oct 18 2018Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 15:17.

Guangzhou from Vladivostok (VVO), Russia

Indirect flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Vladivostok (VVO) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 394 USDSep 12 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaVladivostok (VVO) (round trip) Sep 17 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 06:04.

Guangzhou from Zhukovsky International (ZIA), Russia

Indirect flights from Zhukovsky International (ZIA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Zhukovsky International (ZIA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Zhukovsky International (ZIA) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 2318 USDOct 9 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — Zhukovsky International (ZIA) (round trip) Oct 23 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Zhukovsky International (ZIA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Thursday 9th August 2018 at 07:11.

Guangzhou from Perm (PEE), Russia

Indirect flights from Perm (PEE) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Perm (PEE) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Perm (PEE) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 2168 USDSep 5 2018Japan Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaPerm (PEE) (round trip) Sep 11 2018Japan Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Perm (PEE) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 06:04.

Guangzhou from Yakutsk (YKS), Russia

Indirect flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Yakutsk (YKS) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 1160 USDSep 4 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaYakutsk (YKS) (round trip) Sep 16 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 08:15.

Guangzhou from Ufa (UFA), Russia

Indirect flights from Ufa (UFA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Ufa (UFA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Ufa (UFA) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 568 USDNov 1 2018Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaUfa (UFA) (round trip) Dec 29 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Ufa (UFA) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 05:50.

Guangzhou from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV), Russia

Indirect flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 457 USDFeb 26 2019Turkish Airlines
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaPlatov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) (round trip) Mar 3 2019Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 06:52.

Guangzhou from Baikal International (UUD), Russia

Indirect flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China

Indirect flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Baikal International (UUD) — Guangzhou (CAN), ChinaChina 669 USDOct 3 2018
Guangzhou (CAN) — RussiaBaikal International (UUD) (round trip) Oct 11 2018

More flights: Russia to China. No direct flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Guangzhou (CAN), China found. Prices of flights to Guangzhou sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 17:10.

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