Below are listed popular flight routes from airports in Israel to Teheran Emam Khomaini in Iran. Only the cheapest flights found are shown. Use the form below to check the flight price for your dates.
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The price you see is the price on the airline's site. Remember: you are always booking directly with the airline or travel agent.
Cheapest found flights | Check price | Price | Departure | Operated by |
Ben Gurion Intl (TLV) — Tehran Imam Khomeini (IKA), ![]() |
450 USD | Apr 18 2019 | Turkish Airlines | |
Tehran Imam Khomeini (IKA) — ![]() |
(round trip) | May 25 2019 | Turkish Airlines |
More flights: Israel to Iran. No direct flights from Ben Gurion Intl (TLV) to Tehran Imam Khomeini (IKA), Iran found. Prices of flights to Tehran Imam Khomeini sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 15:48.
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